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Swine Industry Expo

2015 Speakers

Dr. Paul Sundberg is the Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center. Previously, he served as the Senior Vice President of Science and Technology for the National Pork Board. Prior to becoming part of the National Pork Board staff on July 1, 2001, Sundberg was Assistant Vice President of Science and Technology for the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). Sundberg joined NPPC in 1994 as Director of Veterinary Issues after leaving veterinary practice in Madison, Nebraska, to pursue further education and join the Iowa State University faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences. Dr. Sundberg attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he earned his bachelor’s degree in biology. He got his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, master’s and doctorate in veterinary microbiology with a specialty in preventive medicine degrees at Iowa State University. He is also board certified in the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and is a past-president of the College. Dr. Sundberg is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association. Paul and his wife Debra live in Ames, Iowa.

保罗·桑德博格 博士是养猪健康信息中心的执行主席。在此之前,他曾担任美国国家猪肉委员会的科学技术高级副主席。在2001年7月1日加入美国国家猪肉委员会之前,他是 美国猪肉生产者协会的科学技术助理副主席。保罗博士于1994年离开他从事兽医实践的内布拉斯加州的麦迪逊,以兽医问题主任的身份加入了美国猪肉生产者协 会以寻求进修,而后又在爱荷华州立大学兽医学院临床科学系任教。桑德博格博士在内布拉斯加 - 林肯大学获得了生物学学士学位。他在爱荷华州立大学获得了兽医博士,兽医微生物学硕士和博士学位, 主修预防医学。他是美国兽医预防医学学院委员会认证的专家,他还是是学院的前任主席。桑德博格博士是美国兽医协会,美国养猪兽医协会和爱荷华州兽医协会的 成员。目前他和他的妻子黛布拉生活在在爱荷华州埃姆斯。