About Us
Swine Industry Expo
2023.10 Speakers

Zhen Yang is the associate professor of College of Veterinary Medicine at Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU). He got his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Veterinary Science degrees from the University of Minnesota in the United States, and licensed veterinarian in the United States and China. He serves the deputy Secretary-General of the Swine Veterinary Committee of the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association, board members of the Animal Welfare Committee and the Veterinary Cultural Committee of the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association. He was an animal health intern at the AGAH division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Headquarters. He also serves as the member of the organizing committee for the International Veterinary Diagnostic Conference, member of the organizing committee for the NAU Swine Conference, the Coordinator of the "Belt and Road" International Transboundary Animal Disease Diagnosis and Immunology Innovation Institute. He specializes in food animal production medicine, serving as a consultant for multiple livestock producers, veterinary consulting firms, and veterinary pharmaceutical companies.